This year will be the 7th GIS-focused algorithm competition, GISCUP 2018, co-located with the 2018 ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS conference. ACM SIGSPATIAL hosts an annual algorithm contest with the goal of encouraging innovation in a fun way. The winners will be announced at the ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS conference in November 2018. Contest participants will submit original computer programs to be evaluated by the contest organizers on common datasets.
This year’s contest will focus on analyzing large spatial networks in order to find upstream features from a given set of starting points. The identification of upstream features is a key problem in critical infrastructure analysis for locating assets that are crucial to a nation’s economy, security, and health. An example is identifying transformers that supply electricity to a water pump that is needed by the sole hospital in a region. Given a spatial network, a set of starting points (which may be junctions or edges in the spatial network), and a set of controllers (which are also junctions in the spatial network), the goal is to find all features originating at starting points and terminating at controllers where each “upstream” feature returned is on a path between a starting point and a controller. This year’s SIGPSPATIAL Cup addresses this significant programming challenge.
In summary, the key topics that are being addressed in this year’s cup are the following:
Spatial Networks
Spatial Data Structures and Algorithms
Indexing and Retrieval in Spatial Computing
The top three teams will be provided with cash and / or other prizes. In addition to these prizes, the top three teams will be invited to submit a four page paper for a contest paper session to be held at the 2018 ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS conference. These papers will be subject to review and acceptance by the contest organizers, but it is expected that each of the top three teams will have their paper in the conference proceedings and a ten-minute presentation in the contest session. At least one team member of each winning team must register for the 2018 ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS conference.
Important Dates
Deadline for submissions: August 6, 2018 (midnight PT, firm deadline)Invitation of papers for best submissions: August 24, 2018 (midnight PT, firm deadline)
Submission Deadline for invited papers: August 31, 2018 (midnight PT, firm deadline)
This edition of ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS Cup is sponsored by.